Internet Marketing Ninjas Blog

Non SEO – My kid’s already using the computer.

Nater Tater Boykin

My wife was looking all around for Nate (our 3 month old) when she caught him at the computer just like daddy does when he disappears.


Were you looking for me Mommy?


15 Responses

  1. My wife and I will have a child in early-July/late-August. I’m very excited. Seeing the ultrasound video of the tiny child kicking in the womb is one of my top “life moments”.

  2. Richard – congrats!
    I think the first few months are the hardest – when they can sleep through thte night it’s a great releif.

    Mary – Sam’s prob using his laptop if you’re looking for him.

  3. I found him- but i”m still waiting for the great relief and praying the boy who i just put to bed for the third time sleeps through to morning…………………… Good Luck Richard. Hope you get a sleeper – not a screamer…

  4. now when my wife calls the kids when they are on the computer and they yell back ‘one minute’ I always get the evil eye like it’s something they learned from me …

  5. Jim,

    Enjoy it while you can!! When Tater figures out how to work the CD drive and mouse, your online time will diminish by a magnitude.

    Invest in a throwaway (drool-proof) system and some Dora the Explorer or other game CD’s. Our four-year old has been working the mouse for over a year now … cute at first, but mildly aggravating when you have to fight for system time while he insists on looking at every photo you’ve saved on your hard drive.

  6. That’s the game Jim, start ’em early. Mine’s now 2 and a half and I’ve already got him in on the ground floor as a promising link monkey, he’s not quite ready for ninja training yet. The bonus is that he’ll work for bananas.

  7. Awesome Jim! Our first child was born on Feb. 7th, and we’re still getting used to the three hours of sleep on a nightly basis. I think he’s an SEO in training though… he’s already starting at the massive light source (monitor) when I’m feeding him and get home from the office to check emails, stats, etc.

  8. Jim,

    Your post reminded me of the time our daughter — about 1 at the time — hit a bunch of keys while I had an outlook email open. Of course, in that random string was Alt-S which fired off 6 lines of gibberish to our biggest client! Luckily the client just laughed it off when I explained what happened. Let’s just say, future typing lessons for my daughter came with wordpad open instead!

  9. I have removed the computer from my 7 year old’s room, after he hacked the passwords on my computer, then proceeded the next day to try it on his school computer. I wonder who he learned that from?

  10. Now you’re in for it. My daughter was about 6 months old the day she pounded on the keyboard to open IE, then Outlook then successfully addressed an email before I managed to shut things down.

    My son has hit some pretty interesting keyboard combinations too, but his favorite is Google Earth. I turn that on full screen so he can play with the mouse and get results, yet not harm anything too quickly.

  11. Yeah, I know this thread is old, but (in addition to my comment at the top) I’d like to mention the newest addition to my family: My son Lawrence Edward Chmura. I betcha can guess who he is named after eh Jim? 😉 (more details on the gostats message board) – he was 5 weeks early (born on June 27th), my head’s been a little hazy these past 2 months.

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